افتتاح عيادة «التغذية » في مستشفى جدة الوطني الكندرة
55 years in providing health care and community services
One Of the best and oldest medical care providers in the city of Jeddah in particular and in the KSA in general
The hospital is equipped with the latest Medical devices to ensure Providing quality health services
The hospital is equipped with the latest Medical devices to ensure Providing quality health services
The hospital has a group of outstanding medical competencies to ensure optimal care for our patients
The Department of Nursery provides care for natural and catheterization cases and careful care for the bipolar
We have a medical team that provides services at the highest levels of quality in accordance with international standards
We have a medical team that provides services at the highest levels of quality in accordance with international standards
We have a team of highly experienced staff and technicians providing technical services around the clock
We work to provide maximum comfort for patients and companions while in hospital

افتتح في مستشفى جدة الوطني - الكندرة عيادة التغذية العلاجية في المستشفى.
حيث تم تجهيز العيادة بالوسائل التقنية في مجال التقييم والمعالجة، إذ تقوم العيادة بتصميم
الحميات الغذائية المناسبة للحالات المرضية المختلفة، وعمل متابعة مستمرة للتغذية،
كما تقوم بعمل الاستشارات للمرضى، وتقييم الوضع الصحي للأفراد، وتقديم النشرات
الإرشادية الغذائية لهم، تحت اشراف أخصائية التغذية في المستشفى».


Is one of the first healthcare providers in western region, was founded by dr. Hamed mutabagani in 1979.






Madina National Hospital, established nearly 36 years ago, stands as one of the pioneering private hospitals dedicated to delivering exceptional healthcare and medical services. Under the guidance of a distinguished group of consultants, we offer a comprehensive range of medical services and specialties.





Dr.hamed Al Mutabagani Hospitals

Dr.hamed Al Mutabagani Hospitals offers quality medical care At affordable prices Through distinguished medical competencies in all fields.
DR.ENAAM RAOEI Hospital Director
We are in Dr.hamed Al Mutabagani Hospitals experts keen to provide medical services upscale and integrated auditor is enrolled, through specialized units to provide integrated solutions care comprehensive to maintain health through an integrated medical team renowned for his expertise and excellence.